[Sussex] Why is a web based solution better than using a client/server approach?

G. J. Teale gteale at cmedresearch.com
Thu Sep 22 14:01:22 UTC 2005

On Thu, 2005-09-22 at 14:09 +0100, Brendan Whelan wrote:
> Hello,
> A general question - Why is a web based solution better than using a
> client/server approach?
That isn't a general question.  The only real advantage of a web based
solutions are:

* if you use standards definied by open organisations (like W3C and
ECMA) you may allow a broad range of users to make use of your
application without having to install (or configure) any other software.
Noteably this also means things like what OS the client is running in
becomes null and void.

* The above point also means that there is a flexibility in deployment
to non-PC platforms (PDA's, phones, toasters, toilet-roll
dispensors ...)

* You get a lot of stuff for free (GUI toolkit, network layer), though
there are toolkits that do this with client server (i.e. the benefit is

* The set of people who know how to use a web browser is somewhat
greater than the set of people who known the metaphors determined in j.
random GUI app.  This is only advantage if you are careful not to
introduce too many new metaphors into your web UI.

As an abstraction you might ask why it's better to write a new editing
mode for emacs instead of writing a new editor from scratch.  That
conversation is pointless though - the real answer can only come as an
analysis of the application in question. 

> We have an application for use primarily in Hospitals labs but other
> users in the Hospital, and possible GPs on the NHSnet, will also want
> to access the information. 

Hmmm... we have a very similiar application :-)

> We are very happy with using Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP and have
> shown the approach to be both practical and cost effective. I have
> been asked, by a company we work with, how can we convince prospective
> customers that the web approach is better than using client/server
> systems.
Generally the only way to convince clients is to talk about real world
benefits, not abstract technical points.

> I have though of the following drawbacks to client/server:
>   Each PC needs to have the application installed by the supplier or
> the Hospital's IT department.

Agreed.. see above.

>   Upgrades need to be done to each PC by the supplier or the IT
> department.

IT departments associated with hospitals are generally not very
responsive so this is a major advantage of a browser based system.  Push
hard on that point!

>   More processing power is needed in each PC.

Nope.  This is simply not a general statement you can make.  It may be
true of a defined system, but you'd need to express this in terms more
along the line of "it'll cost you less".

>  Proprietary operating systems are expensive and upgrades need to be
>installed periodically.

Yup, browser based application are _more_ OS independent, though it
depends how you write your application.

>   There will be more network traffic hence slowing down the response
> time.

Again, this cannot be determined as a general rule.  

> In favour of web technology:
>   Only basic PCs, with Internet Explorer, are needed.
>   Should their own PC fail then users can move to another one anywhere
> on the network

Yup.  That's a real world benefit, but a marginal one.

>   No special network or cabling is needed. 

Eh?  Why would you need different network cabling for a web browser and
a client server system? 

>   Web technology is advancing more rapidly than client/server.

That is a very odd statement, and one that I think you'd have a hard
time backing up with evidence.  Moreover it is very unlikely to be a
factor in the decision made by a non-developer.

>   Updates are only needed on the central server.

So long as you don't rely on any browser specific code.

> Any suggestions and links to report will be welcomed.

G. J. Teale
Software Engineering Team Leader

Cmed Group Ltd.
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