[Sussex] Gentoo/KDE install

John D. john at johnsemail.eclipse.co.uk
Tue Sep 27 13:14:39 UTC 2005

Stephen Williams wrote:

> <snip>
>emerge -p kde-meta | more
>If you get a load of blocking kde packages at the top of the list,
>you've got the monolithic version installed.
> </snip>

So as that gives me this

"localhost john # emerge -p kde-meta | more

These are the packages that I would merge, in order:

Calculating dependencies  ...done!
[ebuild   R   ] kde-base/kde-meta-3.4.1
localhost john #"

I must have the split/meta version installed.  Excellent.

All I have to do is to work out how to get rid of the bits I don't use, 
so that they won't just re-emerge with the next update.


John D.

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