[Sussex] Last Night's Moot

Steve Dobson steve at dobson.org
Fri Sep 30 09:31:14 UTC 2005

Hi all

First thanks to Frances for her workshop on OOo.  I've never seen a room
full of geeks all concentrating on doing the same thing before.  :-)

We will not be going to the BCF this month.  Worthing is double booked
and Crowley (this Sunday) is to close to get get ready for.

We also discussed the idea of putting together some podcasts - well
I talked of my ideas (inspired by Nik) and everyone else in the room
nodded.  :-)  I will put together a longer e-mail on this and send it
out in the near future.  If you're wondering what this is all about,
well that's your problem as you didn't make it to the Moot!

Debian Tip of the E-Mail:
Debian Hint #19: If you're interested in building packages from source, you
should consider installing the apt-src package.
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