[Sussex] Debian and the nvidia driver!

John D. johnsemail at f2s.com
Fri Aug 18 20:04:03 UTC 2006

Hi list,

So, having installed Kanotix, I'm now trying to get the bugger running with 
the upgraded/updated kernel.

As far as I can tell, I have the new kernel version (2.6.17-2) installed and 
ready to go, except for...........

yes, you've guessed it, the bloody nvidia driver.

All of the so called "debian ways" of doing this have errored me out.

Usually with something along the lines of not having the kernel-sources 

Now I'm aware that some distros call them header files and some call the 
kernel-sources (it appears that that what nvidia call them as well).

As far as I can tell, from looking at the list of installed packages in 
synaptic I already have them installed.

Can anyone suggest a nice, clear, straigth forward link that explains what 
debian want to call the various files and how this (installing nvidia driver) 
is done?

Because everything I've read and tried thus far has failed (nothing new there 
though eh?).


John D.

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