[Sussex] VPN attitudes

Steven Dobson steve at dobson.org
Mon Aug 28 23:38:21 UTC 2006


On Mon, 2006-08-28 at 21:47 +0100, Nic James Ferrier wrote:
> My question is about the viability of providing services with VPN
> access to corporate users.

Isn't the whole point of a VPN that it is private - that is what the 'P'
stands for after all.  If you (or your company) are providing the VPN
then it can't be private as you are involved in setting it up and
therefore know the keys.

For example:  Lets just say that I use our VPN between my laptop and
home when I am out in the field.  If the government came to you and
(with all the correct paper work signed by a judge) asked for the keys
you would, of course, hand them over.  However, if I was in total
control then the government would have to come to me and ask me for the
keys.  I would then know I was under investigation.


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