[Sussex] Need a new web host

Ronan Chilvers ronan at thelittledot.com
Sun Feb 5 20:10:07 UTC 2006

Hi Dominic

How much have you got to spend?

On Fri, 03 Feb 2006 10:18:21 -0600
Dominic Humphries <linux at oneandoneis2.org> wrote:

> My web host is crashing about every ten minutes, and has been most of
> the week. I'm sick of their downtime, so I'm moving. The only
> question is, where to?

http://www.bytemark.co.uk - tell 'em I sent you.  15 quid buys you a
dedicated UML virtual server.  I've been running 5 of them for about 3
years now and have had no problems - fast, reliable, stable, in a word
fabulous!!!!  The company I work for at the mo runs all their mail and
web traffic off 2 UMLs.

> I need somewhere that allows subdomains (at least 3) & multiple
> (web)mail accounts. I also need a mysql dbase, at least 100MB of
> storage space, and a fair amount of bandwidth (used >4GB last month).
> Shell access would be nice, but I can live without it.

Bytemark's VMs are full dedicated servers so you can play to your
hearts content with your very own server.  They do one preloaded with
Plesk control panel.  They have loads of free services for VM owners -
free DNS hosting (no restrictions on what you can do), external NFS
mountable backup space, local mirrors of your relevant distro's update
servers, Gentoo compile farm, out of band access to your server, soyou
can do handy stuff like watch your server boot up, boot into singeluser
mode, etc, etc... See


for pricing.

> Any recommendations on a good place to move to?

Can't recommend them highly enough.  And they're nice chaps too.

e: ronan at thelittledot.com
t: 01903 739 997
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