[Sussex] Two operating systems & one camera...

Colin Tuckley colin at tuckley.org
Sat Jul 15 14:53:26 UTC 2006

John D. wrote:

> Well I'd already managed to "activate" the root password and also made it so 
> that I can log into root graphically (sorry, I'm too much a "child of GUI" 
> not to have that ability), but when I did try to change the /etc/sudoers file 
> to that the line that starts with "Defaults" has rootpw in it as well I just 
> all that nonsense about it being a read only file etc.

Once you can login as root or "su" to root with the "su -" command then you
don't need to do *anything* with sudo or the sudoers file.

There are two ways of being a privileged user in *nix, one is to be root (at
which point you are Ghod!). The other is to use "sudo <some command>" as
your normal user. Who can use sudo and exactly what they can do with it is
controlled by /etc/sudoers.

It seems you are mixing up the two.

Also note that /etc/sudoers should be edited with a special version of vi
named visudo, this does clever things with the file permissions and makes
sure that only one person is editing it at a time and that half changed
versions don't get used by accident.



Colin Tuckley      |  colin at tuckley.org  |  PGP/GnuPG Key Id
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