[Sussex] Connecting to the INternet via ADSL

John Crowhurst fyremoon at fyremoon.net
Sat Mar 4 10:03:11 UTC 2006

On Mon, February 27, 2006 16:25, Brendan Whelan said:
> Hello,
> Whilst trying to get sendmail to transmit emails I have messed up my
> connection to the Internet. I can ping servers on the web but cannot view
> sites e.g. www.google.com.

Check with the DSL provider to see what the best MTU settings are for the
line and change them accordingly (on your DSL router and ethernet card)

> Also, whilst there is only one physical Ethernet port, on my server (Dell
> server with Fedora Core 4), there is some configuration information for a
> board that used to be in the system. How can I remove configuration
> details for the non-existent card or clear everything and start again?

There is a config change you have to make to your sendmail.cf to get
sendmail to send out and receive emails with Redhat Enterprise (which
might be the same in Fedora) which is:

O DaemonPortOptions=Port=smtp,Addr=, Name=MTA

Which binds the daemon to localhost only. Change this to:

O DaemonPortOptions=Port=smtp, Name=MTA

You can reconfigure networking using netconfig

To change the MTU: edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 and add
MTU=1200 (where 1200 is your MTU size) then run:

service network restart eth0


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