[Sussex] Laptop sound

Gavin Stevens starshine at gavmusic.uklinux.net
Fri Mar 17 00:30:39 UTC 2006


On Wed, 15 Mar 2006 06:24:49 +0000
Steven Dobson <steve at dobson.org> wrote:

> How are you playing the MP3 file?  If you are using a modern GUI based
> player with lots and lots of graphic feed back (like a equaliser
> graphic or a waveform display) this may be taking to much CPU power to
> work.

I've been using XMMS. I tried playing the mp3s from the HDD again & it
did improve after I minimised the XMMS window. Strangely, it continued
OK after I un-minimised it.

> Which should deamon (if any are you using)?  If you use the command
> line program to play the sound file does it skip then?

I also tried playing the same files via mp3blaster - this worked well.
> In other words is your saved laptop not up to the job of doing
> graphics + sound.

The answer to this is probably "just about" - as long the music doesn't
get too complicated.

> > Second problem is that I can't get audio CDs to play or mount,
> > although data CDs are fine.
> This might be a missing driver or two.

I installed a couple of dedicated CD players (xfreecd & xmcd) to see if
they would play an audio CD.

They didn't, but did at least offer the message "can't open /dev/cdrom -
permission denied".

This is something I remember from using Woody before. If I remember
correctly, it's just a question of changing the /dev/cdrom symlink so
that the ordinary user account can use the CD-ROM.


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