[Sussex] Re: [Fwd: [lugmaster] Updated mail setup]

Steven Dobson steve at dobson.org
Mon Mar 20 09:57:46 UTC 2006


While it may be bad form to reply to yourself...

On Mon, 2006-03-20 at 09:36 +0000, Steven Dobson wrote:
> There has been a admin revam of the mail system.
> Andy is looking for any problems so that he can fix them.
> If your are using your IPS's email system or something like GMail then
> you should be okay.
> If you are running your own then you might not have configured it
> properly.  If so please check your logs to find out why it has been
> rejected before posting a bug report.

Note the graylisting bit.  the parent post was temporarily rejectted,
but when I flushed the e-mail queue for that message 10 minutes later it
got accepted.

If this one gets accepted stright away then I should be okay for 60
days :-)  I post enought that I should remain on the white list from now

> If in doubt contact me.

This still goes - lets keep the e-mail traffic to Andy to a minimum.

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