[Sussex] FC5 - PHP not connecting to MySQL

Ronan Chilvers ronan at thelittledot.com
Fri May 5 19:32:52 UTC 2006

Hi Brendan

On Fri, 5 May 2006 16:25:45 +0100
"Brendan Whelan" <b_whelan at mistral.co.uk> wrote:

> However, I still cannot connect from PHP I get "undefined function
> mysql_connect".
> I tried adding "extension=mysql.so" to php.ini and rebooting but the
> problem persists.

First make sure that the php.ini file you are editing is the right
one.  If you look at the output of phpinfo() you'll see that the fourth
or fifth item down in the first table is 'Configuration file (php.ini)
Path'.  Check that you've added the extension line into the correct

If you have, make sure you restart Apache to get PHP to load the
extension.  To be honest, yum should have done the background work of
adding the extension line, etc, for you so I'm a little surprised it
isn't working.

If the mysql extension is loaded correctly, you'll see an entry for it
in the phpinfo() output (scroll down to find it).  Try the above 2
things and if it still isn't working, maybe you could post or send me
off list the output of phpinfo() and your main apache config file
(usually called either httpd.conf or apache2.conf)?

I'm on holiday next week so if its after tommorrow I won't be around
until the 16th.

e: ronan at thelittledot.com
t: 01903 739 997

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