[Sussex] Ruby DNS resolver

Ronan Chilvers ronan at thelittledot.com
Thu Sep 7 09:10:50 UTC 2006

On Thu, Sep 07, 2006 at 09:24:34AM +0100, Nic James Ferrier wrote:
> The reason I was talking about caches earlier is just this. So you
> _do_ have a cache (ok... it's not on your machine, but it is there).

Sorry - my mistake... Thinking more about this, it might be worth
looking at using a dedicated dnsmasq instance for this... assuming there
aren't hidden pitfalls of course... more investigation needed...

> I use dnsmasq to and haven't had a problem.
> You could try configing dnsmasq specifically to find the servers for
> the domains you need. For example:
>   server=/relays.ordb.org/q.ns.ordb.org
> This would mostly bypass the dnsmasq DNS client resolution.

Thanks for the tip.  I'll try it and see if it makes a difference.

> I think what I would do is set up another dnsmasq and strace it.

I'll give it a go when I have five minutes and see what happens.

e: ronan at thelittledot.com
t: 01903 739 997

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