[Sussex] Flash development

Nic James Ferrier nferrier at tapsellferrier.co.uk
Thu Apr 26 11:07:02 UTC 2007

Simon Dawson <simon.dawson at interaxsys.co.uk> writes:

> AJAX with HTML goes some way to addressing this for standard web
> HTML pages but is far more clunky than the Flash version.  

Have you looked at mooscript and prototype/scriptaculous? they make
all this quite simple.

with moo you just do this:

   a = new Ajax(url, { method: "get",
                       update: $("id of element to be replaced") }).request();

and it goes off and retrieves the content at the url and puts it in
the DOM replacing the element you specify in "update".

So if you make a bunch of resources that have simple HTML fragements
it works really well.

> There are a number of websites that help but none that I can
> remember standing out.  The best book to learn the programming
> features and which is targetted towards developers rather than
> designers that I have seen is 'Object Oriented Programming with
> ActionScript' by Branden Hall and Samuel Wan (ISBN 0-7357-1183-6)
> available from Amazon market place @ £17.70

Cheers for that.

Nic Ferrier

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