[Sussex] BBC iPlayer

Gavin Stevens starshine at gavmusic.uklinux.net
Tue Aug 14 23:45:49 UTC 2007

On Tue, 14 Aug 2007 19:32:02 +0100
"Andrew Guard" <andrew07 at andrewguard.com> wrote:
> All in all a rather good day, managed in the END to set up meeting
> with boss at BBC. Something which has not happened before which will
> take place in September.
> An interesting point is the BBC petition on pm site is most signed up
> one about the BBC, no other petition comes close most them bellow 100
> people, 15,645 and still going strong but you have until 20 August
> 2007, 6 days and counting to sign up.
> http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/iplayer/

I have signed the petition. The more who can sign it, the better. The
BBC is a public service broadcaster & should not exclude potential users
of its iPlayer - most of whom will be TV licence payers - purely because
of the users' choice of computer operating system.

The number of signatures so far is encouraging (& thanks Andrew for
bringing it to my attention) but this is a good opportunity to get the
BBC to listen to Linux users.

These petitions can be effective - remember the road pricing petition &
the kick in the derriere it gave Tony Blair?


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