[Sussex] Ubuntu's being weird with MP3 player

Andrew Guard andrew07 at andrewguard.com
Fri Jun 8 20:47:10 UTC 2007

linux at oneandoneis2.org wrote:
> Evening all,
> as some of you might remember, my other half uses Ubuntu. She's just run 
> into a problem with it: She plugged in her MP3 player and removed a 
> large number of MP3s (and Oggs) but this didn't free up any space, and 
> cfdisk showed the reason why: Every time she deletes a file from the 
> flash disk, it shrinks that partition by the size of that file.

I take it your talking about Samsung? What model is it?

> Not ideal, and even more annoying, we can't repartition & reformat the 
> disk successfully in Ubuntu - we get a "superblock" error message. So 
> she's having to use Windows to get anywhere with her MP3 player.

How are you trying to format it?

Do you know what FAT are using?

> And that's not a good thing!
> Any idea on why Ubuntu is being weird like this?

It might not be Ubuntu I did quick search and seams others are having 
same issue as you windows.  I looks like a issue with how flash works, 
but it to early really to say.



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