[Sussex] Printer sharing

Steve 'Dobbo' Dobson steve at dobson.org
Tue Jun 26 20:04:18 UTC 2007


On Tue, Jun 26, 2007 at 01:17:39PM +0100, Desmond Armstrong wrote:
> I have set up 2 computers on a local network. They are DHCPed and work fine.
> The printer is attached to one machine and I can configure CUPS on the 
> other machine to use the tcp/ip of the one carrying the printer, but 
> being dynamic that can change. But it will not accept the host mane of 
> the first machine.
> What am I doing wrong?

Configure the "printer server" with a static address.  You can do this in
two ways:

1). Configure the DHCP server to issue a fixed IP address for a given
     MAC (hardware) address.  You can find the MAC (hardware) address 
     from the command line with the following command:

     This will probably give you two reports, one for the loopback
     device (lo - and the other for your NIC (which is
     probably called eth0).

     Here is my output any my MAC address is 00:08:C7:A1:CE:BD

     $ /sbin/ifconfig
     eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:08:C7:A1:CE:BD
     inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

2). Configure the "printer server" to have a static IP address and not
     to get it's network address from the DHCP server.  This is the
     method I prefer but you need to make sure that you don't use an
     address that could be issued by the DHCP server.

> An idea, I can put in 1932.168.1.<actual>.

I assume that you meant to type 192.168.1.<actual> an not "1932"  :-)

> Should I be specifying <hostname> or,
> should I be specifying 192.168.1.<hostname> ?

An IP address in *only* an IP address if it contains four numbers in the
range 0-255 separated by dots.  If you used your second form your computer
would start using DNS.

Once you have configured your "printer server" with a fixed IP address
you can then edit the file /etc/hosts on the other computer and add
the address there.  That file should already have an entry for the
loopback interface ( which is always called "localhost".
Just add the entry for the printer server:		localhost
   192.168.1.<actual>	<printer-server-hostname>

Hope this helps
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