[Sussex] Thoughts On Contrubuting to the Community

linux at oneandoneis2.org linux at oneandoneis2.org
Fri Mar 30 17:26:06 UTC 2007

Quoting Steve Dobbo Dobson <steve at dobson.org>:
> So here is your homework from me.  You MUST reply to this email saying
> how you contribute, how you pay your dues, for using Linux.

Me? I write stuff, most of which these days winds up on my blog.  
Howto's, commentary, daft parodies, trivial C examples that  
nonetheless seem to get Googled a lot... wherever the muse takes me.

I also give the occasional presentation at the local LUG to encourage  
other people to write stuff too ;o)

Oh, and most FOSS projects I make any major use of have received cash  
from me at some point. Got a few more K&R chapters to get through yet  
before I start contributing code.

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