[Sussex] Holbrook - Moot: Wired Networking

Kenny Millington kenny at 3ait.co.uk
Mon Oct 22 14:38:40 UTC 2007


> We will NOT be running packet capturing software on the Holbrook 
> network.  For the purposes of the talk, we are going to be running our 
> own LAN built on the night with a test server, and users laptops.  Any 
> packet capturing will only be performed on the test LAN itself.

That is indeed good to hear and thank you for your speedy reply. It is
much appreciated.

Personally, I am curious about how you plan on keeping the two networks
separate once you setup a bridge between the two since (as best as I
understand it - and this may not say much) once you bridge two networks
they effectively become one network and as such all wireless traffic
would pass over the bridge and indeed vice-versa?

Kenny Millington
Systems Developer
kenny.millington at 3ait.co.uk

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