[Sussex] Wired Network Talk...

Richie Jarvis richie at helkit.com
Fri Sep 28 12:33:57 UTC 2007

Hi All,

Firstly, thanks Steve for an excellant talk on why Software should be 
free - I think you'll have alot of fun with your local politicians with 
that one - i.e. they suddenly won't have a leg to stand on ;)

Anyway, next month the plan is to do a talk on wired networking - both 
the hardware and the software - including practicals.  So, if everyone 
could bring along their laptop and a wired network card, we can hook 
them all up, and have some fun....  I'll bring 2 100mbps switches as 
well, so we should (hopefully!) have enough ports.  We will also need 
power points as well to run this - I've got a couple of 4 gang 
distribution boards which I can bring, but we could do with as many as 
we can get!  The plan is to setup one laptop as a bridge to the Holbrook 
wireless LAN, and then get everything else up and running.  Then we can 
have a play and do some packet capture.

I'll be bringing along my cable making kit as well, so we can make our 
own patch cables during the talk and hook in.  If everyone else who has 
one can bring their crimping gear as well, that would make life easier.

See you next month!



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