[Sussex] Last Nights Moot and Next Month's moot.

Steve Dobson steve at dobson.org
Fri Apr 25 09:08:32 UTC 2008


Thanks to everyone who showed up.  I though it was a good evening, even
if I didn't get the beer of Antony :-)  For anyone interested the PDF of
last night's presentation is now on the website.

For next month, as no speaker has come forward, an executive decision
was made to make it a Q&A evening.  Bring kit if you want, and if anyone
wants to install Debian I have a Debian mirror for the i386 & AMD64
archs.  But let me know the week beforehand or I'll not bother humping
my system all the way up there.

If you have a complex question then it might be advisable to post it to
the list in the week before go give the "experts" a change to checkout
some solutions.

See you then
Steve Dobson

1648 files (84%) out of the files that I mirror disappeared. Since
my delete threshold was set at 90%, all those files are now missing
from my hard drive. It's going to take a loooong time to fetch those
again via 14.4kbps!
-- Brian C. White

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