[Sussex] Big Legal News Regarding FLOSS Licences

Jacqui Caren Jacqui.caren at ntlworld.com
Fri Aug 15 08:07:24 UTC 2008

Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:
> About all things not done to their business model and profit, I suspect. 
> It doesn't have to be F/L/OSS to have FUD spread about it.

Yup - my employer has had large clients try to threaten us into ceding
IPR's for software we have integrated into a deliverable even though we
very carefully state that the IPR's will remain ours - they are paying
for a licence to use it and for 'configuration'.

The trick is to know when to back down and when to stand up to a bluff.

Touch wood they hae all been bluffs but most large multinationals
!try it on' at least once :-(


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