[Sussex] Flickr Accounts...

Vicky Lamburn vicky.lamburn at googlemail.com
Wed Jan 30 23:32:00 UTC 2008

Hi Richie,

Impressive shots on your Flickr page too, much more grander in scale than my
subject matter which veers on industrial grit, realism, candid street
photography and of course you may have noticed I have a penchant for black
and white!

Great shots all the same. Look forward to seeing more in the months to come.

As to the whole digital vs. film issue; well even looking at it purely from
a DSLR and 35mm SLR perspective; there are many reasons why I'm not even
tempted in the slightest to move to digital. That said, I hate pitching
digital vs. film/analogue -- they don't have to be the either/or polar
opposites they have been mostly pitched at being -- they can work together

The three big reasons for me are:

1. I like film because it's not digital - I do enjoy getting away from a
computer and doing something that doesn't involve one a great deal. Change
of scenery if you like.
2. Cost in one respect. Getting an equivalent spec DSLR to what my EOS 3
(and to a good extent the EOS 5QD I had before) can do would cost me more
than I could afford for a long time to come. And in fact I actually use the
things the EOS 3 has over say the 5D that many might use as bragging rights,
I like the fact it is waterproofed to a good extent, I like the EOS 1 series
style interface, I thrive on multi spot metering for hard to expose
correctly shots, and the 45 spot AF system with eye controlled focus for me
is a dream... Ok I'm gushing. That's not to say DSLRs are bad, not at all.
It's just the equivalent DSLR to my EOS 3 would leave me pretty destitute
even if I had the money! :)
3. Ability to develop and print my own films - I actually enjoy this and its
related to point 1. Also black and white (apart from C41 process print film
like Ilford XP2, Kodak BW400CN etc.) is well, dare I say it, captured as
black and white - not as RGB converted to greyscale. I think there is a
difference on many typical black and white digital photos that haven't had
some post-editing work done - once that is done, the difference is minimal
if non existent.

(4. Would be Velvia. Velvia 50. Say no more. :o)) )

There's many other reasons, Unfortunately most people assume that as soon as
I state the reasons why I'm sticking with 35mm that I am telling them that I
think digital is crap. Not the case in the slightest but that's some people
assuming that if you're in one camp you must automatically hate the other.
Not so :)

Anyway, just to keep this on topic: Linux.


I've explained the above points in greater, tedious, arduous, time
consuming, life sapping and demoralising detail on my blog:

As to how long I intend to remain a 'purist' -- at the moment I don't see
myself needing to go digital for a very long time, read: a good few years if
not a lot longer.

Vicky (not a Luddite despite appearances!)
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