[Sussex] GMail enhanced web-mail security

Andrew Guard andrew08 at andrewguard.com
Sat Jul 26 06:29:08 UTC 2008

As I already know a few of you use the GMail service from Google.

You might like to know that have improved the securty on Google Mail
service. Now you can have all web access encripted to activate this
you need to log in to GMail. Then in Settings / General / Browser
connection just select "Always use https" (With this switched on all
you GMail pages are HTTPS).. Then Save Changes and it in action. You
might have to relog on to GMail thats down to your browser.

For some strange reasion there option "Don't always use https"? well
some might use it.

This has no effect upon SMTP, POP3 and IMAP as these are always ether
SSL or TLS connections and you have no choice in using them.

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