[Sussex] Laptop repair

John Crowhurst info at johnscomputersupport.co.uk
Thu Sep 4 23:03:52 UTC 2008

On Thu, September 4, 2008 17:16, Jon Greenwood wrote:
> Short question:
> Laptop repair (in sussex/kent, if possible). Who do you trust?
> Long story:
> My ubuntu-powered ThinkPad X31 has started to come apart at the seams. It
> overheats when running AND charging the battery (solution: detach battery
> when fully charged). It will not boot cold from battery, but will run from
> battery fine if booted from mains and disconnected (solution: use suspend
> liberally, be near the mains often).

My ex-girlfriend's laptop was overheating so I took apart the fan assembly
and cleared out a wedge of dust that had built up on the exhaust port that
restricted the flow of air. It might be something you need to do.

You have a bad battery, take it out and dispose of it. Check ebay or
google for a suitable replacement.

John Crowhurst
John's Computer Support

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