[Sussex] Implementing a custom USB device with Linux host

George Chamberlayne george at kingsley-electronics.co.uk
Thu Jun 25 09:12:19 UTC 2009


I have designed/built a custom USB peripheral composite device for a

The device implements a HID mouse and CDC 'serial port' in a custom USB
peripheral device with just one USB interface cable.

This device works OK with a windows XP host PC.

I'm after some help or info for getting this USB device to enumerate and
work with Ubuntu Linux.

For info:-

 -  Communications Device Class USB interface.
    (I'm using this to emulate a virtual RS232 serial com port over USB)

USB Composite Device
 - A USB peripheral that implements more than one USB device, using
   a single USB interface cable.

 - Popular Linux distribution.


George Chamberlayne

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