[Sussex] Label and partition external hard drive

'Fay Zee' sussex at eglug.org.uk
Tue Feb 22 20:37:38 UTC 2011

Thanks again Steve.

I ran into a problem with mlabel.
# cat /etc/mtools.conf shows the final line as: drive x:
file="/dev/sdf1" but:
# mlabel x:
Initial byte of fat is not 0xff
Cannot initialize 'X:'
mlabel: Cannot initialize drive

# cfdisk -P s /dev/sdf
This will print the partition table to the screen in sector order

Partition Table for /dev/sdf

               First       Last
 # Type       Sector      Sector   Offset   
Length   Filesystem Type (ID) Flag
-- ------- ----------- ----------- ------ -----------
-------------------- ----
   Pri/Log           0        2047*    
0#       2048*Free Space           None
 1 Primary        2048*  312496127*     0  
312494080*HPFS/NTFS (07)       None
   Pri/Log   312496128*  312496379      0        
252*Free Space           None

But how do I get my disk partitioned into three partitions of 50GB
each, with geometry that will get recognised by XP?

 Best Regards,
East Grinstead Linux User Group

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