[Sussex] Label and partition external hard drive

Steven Dobson steve at dobbo.org
Fri Feb 25 10:40:16 UTC 2011

Hi Alex

On 25/02/11 09:26, Alex Harrington wrote:
>> The power of the CLI comes from it's ability to script.
> I totally agree, but in this case gparted would let you input all the
> steps (partitioning, formatting, labelling etc) and then press go - and
> you can still walk away and do something more interesting, and you
> didn't have to spend in Fay's case several hours reading man pages.

Agreed.  For simple one shot commands the GUI is the more intuitive.

But If partitioning a disk was just part of the task, and it was a task
that you needed to repeat then a script would be a huge time saver.  But
if one didn't take the time, as Fay is currently doing, to learn the
"harder" CLI way of doing things one never gets the experience with
individual CLI commands to combine them into a script.

Of course, cfdisk, is not a "pure" CLI command because it can't be put
into a script.  For that one would have to us sfdisk - but there lies
dragons.  (I admit, I've never used it myself!)

Steve "Dobbo" Dobson

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