[Sussex] Surrey LUG and/Or Saturdays [Was: An introduction and Apache]

Fay Zee sussex at eglug.org.uk
Wed Jun 15 21:02:32 UTC 2011

On 15 June 2011 20:08, Will Earnshaw  wrote:
> Hey everyone!
>    I'm Will. I run an Ubuntu Server 10.04 box remotely and I am
> getting to grips with everything. It's currently in a room in my
house but
> eventually I hope to out source to a cloud computing server. As such
> everything I do involves wrestling with the command line, (not
always a fun
> thing to do!). It would be great to get to know people in the local
area who
> are also involved with this sort of thing!

Yes, and face-to-face meetings, where you can get instant live demos,
and input from several people, are a great way to learn.

> I hear that recently you had a talk on the command line. Trust me to
> just too late! I could have really used that meeting.
> I'm still learning but eventually I want to be involved in computer
> programming, and will happily contribute (as I may) to any open
projects you
> are running or are involved with.  I can also write webpages using
PHP but
> haven't really sat down to do any major project with it yet.
> I'm currently working on a java game that will run in a webpage, its
a card
> battling and trading game a little like magic the gathering but
> another story!

The command line talk last month was excellent and there was a good
talk the month before on introducing Linux to beginners. Back in
September we had a popular talk on OpenGIS. When there's no talk
there's more time for problem solving and just talking about Linux.
We're still growing the Sussex LUG attendance back up to what it was a
couple of years back, for which we need more presenters.

Then there is Surrey LUG just over the border. Recently we had a quick
comparison-style talk on cloud and virtualization services and just
this last weekend we had a comparison-style talk on online meeting
type software that runs in the other delegates' browsers. Surrey LUG
currently has three to four times the attendance we have at Sussex,
especially when Hampshire members also attend. They meet all day on
the third Saturday, so the distance is well worth it, and with so many
attendees there are always plenty of talks during the day.

Up to six members from Sussex LUG travel over there each month to join
their meetings, car sharing. Where do you live, Will? Do you have a

May I take this opportunity to ask if anyone else is interested in
Saturday meetings? We can possibly arrange car sharing to join Surrey
LUG - it's always useful to extend our circle of influence.

Or - better still - if there's enough interest, we could search for a
venue here in Sussex. Surrey LUG successfully rely on venue donations
from companies whose employees are list members, rotating between them
each month. Do we have any volunteers :-) It wouldn't have to be a
regular occurrence (once or twice a year would be more than we have
now). I have been contacted by one of our members who is working on a
venue in the Redhill area, which is only just outside our border.
Sussex University at Falmer would be another good venue, but we would
need a contact.

Any other thoughts?

 Best Regards,
East Grinstead Linux User Group

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