[Sussex] Surrey LUG and/Or Saturdays [Was: An introduction and Apache]

Steve Dobson steve at dobbo.org
Thu Jun 16 11:16:41 UTC 2011

Hi Will

On 15/06/11 22:55, Will Earnshaw wrote:
> Eventually, I'd like to move my main computer over to a GUI based
> version of linux. I run so many open source programs on my windows box
> that I get wondering why I'm even bothing with it. Keeping the virus
> scanner up to date is a real pain too. It's too bad I have a gaming
> addiction, otherwise I would have left it ages ago!

Ubuntu (and Debian) both come with the Gnome (default) and KDE desktop
environments.  Both can be installed at the same time and if you want to
run a KDE program when you're using a Gnome desktop environment that
isn't a problem at all.  The Debian/Ubuntu packaging system will take
take of what software needs to be installed.

> May I take this opportunity to ask the group what their main usage of
> Linux is? For me it's currently web hosting and eventually some little
> server ideas that I have (that is, if I can get my head around the
> code). Are any of you developers and contribute to any open projects?
> I'd love to chat to someone about the Linux API for C++ and if its as
> difficult to break into as the Windows API.

What do I use Linux for:  All my computing needs!

I run nothing else but Debian on all my computers (and as I have an
Android phone I include that now too).  I work as a FLOSS software
consultant and provide Linux support and development to my clients.

As a developer I develop on Linux exclusively.  As my clients use
Windows in the main I use Java as the programming environment and have
very little problem producing software for Windows platforms even though
I don't have a Windows box available to me.

Steve "Dobbo" Dobson

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