[Sussex] Persistent routes

Jan Henkins jan at henkins.za.net
Tue May 15 11:16:24 UTC 2012

Hello Paul,

On Tue, May 15, 2012 11:48, Paul Howard wrote:

>> The only thing I can think of is that you are trying to bind static
>> routes to interface aliases, and not the actual interface device. Try
>> and change your "eth1:0" to "eth1" and see if that works. Normally what
>> I tend to do
>> is to call my own script with static routes from rc.local right at the
>> end of the boot cycle. Not a really neat solution, but it's a
>> cross-distro technique.
> Hi Jan,
> Thanks but the route works perfectly if I enter it at the CLI. It just
> wont load on startup from the interfaces file for some reason. Considered
> using a script to add them but it's a bit messy and I need this to be able
> to be obvious how things are set up when other people are doing any admin
> on the system.

Like I said, try the "up route add" line without an alias, but calling the
true device name. Whether it works on the CLI and not via the Ubuntu
startup scripts is actually an argument all by itself.

Jan Henkins

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