[Sussex] Simultaneous access to personal settings from different hostnames

Peter Humphreys peter at humphreys999.free-online.co.uk
Tue Oct 7 15:35:46 UTC 2014

Hello all

I wonder if anyone can point me in the right direction, please. Just so you 
know, I am not a compuiter professional unlike many of you, but one who uses 
a computer without too much knowledge of what goes on under the bonnet, 
although I have learned quite a bit over the years I have used Linux and been 
to various SLUG meets in Horsham..

Just to give background I have used Linux as my main Desktop system for 
several years now, using SuSE 11.0 on a fairly old Dell Dimension 4600.

More than once recently there seem to have been conflicts within my system, 
and today I rebooted as I noticed the host was 'unknown'. The reboot then 
took me back to the host I am more used to, (peter@) 'linux-fmtq' , which is 
what's open now.

Within linux-ftmq I now get a pop-up on trying to start Open Office 2.4 which 
states -

"Either another instance of OpenOffice.org is accessing your personal settings 
or your personal settings are locked.
Simultaneous access can lead to inconsistencies in your personal settings. 
Before continuing you should make sure user 'peter' closes OpenOffice.org on 
host 'Unknown-00-c0-f0-0a-52'
Do you really want to continue? (Yes) / (No)"

Thus far I have taken the 'No' option as I am sure it is preferable to 
dispense with OOO running in the background to another host before opening it 
in the foreground, so to speak.

Question - can anyone suggest how to do that safely from 'linux-ftmq'? I have 
both rebooted the system, and also suspended & restarted it in an effort to 
get back to '(peter@) 'unknown' so I can possibly shut down OpenOffice from 
that environment, but of course the rogue host (if that's what it is...) 
won't reappear.

Looking in YAST2 Host Configuration (And, just what is a Host?) I see there 
are two stated hosts, 'linux-fmtq-site' which has the alias 'linux-fmtq' the 
other being 'localhost' with the host alias 'ipv6-localhost ipv6-loopback'. 
no mention of 'unknown'.

I have also looked on the Open SuSE forum, but I cannot see relevant content 

Or, don't I need to worry and should just hit 'Yes' on the OOO pop-up? I have 
so far resisted the temptation to do just that.

All suggestions gratefully received!


Peter Humphreys

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