[Sussex] Portsmouth LUG meeting Saturday, 21st February 2015

Lisi Reisz lisi.reisz at gmail.com
Mon Feb 2 22:43:43 UTC 2015

We shall be meeting as usual at the Broadoaks Social Club* from 13:00 to 18:00 
on Saturday 21st February 2015.

It is a bring-a-box meeting, so bring a 'box', bring a notebook, 
bring anything that might run Linux, or just bring yourself and enjoy 
socialising/learning/teaching or simply chilling out!  Bring any Linux or 
Open Source problems, come to have help installing Linux or simply to pick up 
installation media.  One of our members has an ongoing wireless problem (in 
OpenSuSE), so wireless gurus particularly welcome. ;-)

Dr. Adam Trickett will be talking about Perl: "Introduction to Perl: The 
friendly programming language".

Those of you who have heard Adam before will know what a treat we are in for.  
I would certainly say that "il vaut le détour".  

Do come.  If you haven't been before, we are a friendly lot and would love to 
see you. All are welcome

How to find the venue and other basic details next week.

See you there,

* http://www.broadoaksocialclub.net/where.html

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