[Sussex] Portsmouth LUG meeting on Saturday 16th January

Lisi Reisz lisi.reisz at gmail.com
Wed Jan 6 17:45:41 UTC 2016

The next meeting of  the Portsmouth LUG will be on Saturday 16th January from 
13:00 to 18:00 at the Broadoaks Sports and Social Club, Hilsea.

We have a talk this month by Gary Burton, of Portsmouth University, on "How to 
build a Supercomputer".

We shall also of course have our usual bring a box session.  Bring a box, 
bring a problem, come to have help with anything from installation to 
glitch-solving.  Come for Linux and Open Source chat.  Come to help and be 
helped. Come to chat and come to proselytise.

You are all cordially invited.

If you have a specific problem, that you know you will be bringing, it 
sometimes helps if you give prior notification. Then any equipment that would 
help in the solution can be brought in.  And anyone who is particularly 
interested in that area, or specially able to help, and who was dithering, 
might decide to come.

If a lift would be helpful, please ask.  We just may be able to help.  No 
promises, from as far as that - but it is worth asking.


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