[Sussex] Final reminder: July Portsmouth LUG meeting

Lisi Reisz lisi.reisz at gmail.com
Fri Jul 15 14:46:47 UTC 2016

I apologise for this announcement being late.  The next meeting of Portsmouth 
Linux User Group will be tomorrow, Saturday, 16th July, from 13:00 to 18:00 at 
Broadoak Sports and Social Club, Hilsea.
You are all warmly invited.

The tennis is over, so indulge yourself in some IT. :-)

Andrew Wilkins will be talking about Open Source VPN with strongSwan Assure.

It will be our usual Bring a Box meeting: bring your problems, bring your 
gadgets, come to chat or come to learn.  Bring anything from a smartphone to 
a large desktop - so long as it is, at least partly, Open Source!  And 
remember that Android has a Linux kernel. ;-)  Or just bring yourself.  You 
may bring a box, not you must bring a box.

If you are daunted by something you want to install, upgrade, try out or test, 
do your installation, upgrade, configuration, testing, at the meeting with 
all those helpful, knowledgeable, people round you.

We do ask that if people want large downloads (the whole of Debian, anyone?) 
they ask in advance and one of us will download the file or files and bring 
them in.

I look forward to seeing you all there. ;-)  If you haven't been before, 
don't be shy.  We are a friendly group, and would love to see you.  
Come and see what we are about and what we look like.


P.S. Advance notice of the September meeting:  Matthew Withers will be giving 
his delayed delayed (!) talk about Open Source Science.  It was previously to 
have been about Astrophotography, but Matthew has decided to broaden it.  He 
assures me that there will still be a lot of photography and Astrophysics in 
his talk!

Note: This talk, that had been scheduled for October 2015, and had to be 
cancelled because of illness, has again had to be rescheduled for September.

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