Dear Lug,<br><br>I dont know weather it is that I have been moving to the dark side or weather its just a new form of the ligh side, but anyway i'll get to my point, since early this year i have started using Apple Macs namily imacs (the nice 20" widescreen ones) have have grown increasingly fond of its OS and how easy it is to do all the things i wanted to do on Linux (namely run as far away from windows as possible)
<br><br>In my own oppinion the only thing really lacking on OSX is the abundance of free* software that you can get to use with linux and windows, this is then a start of a whole differant story but i will have to talk to you about that another day.
<br><br>what i have really come here to say today is not just to spout my findings that some of you may already know or arnt bothered by, but mearly to see how this kind of comment lies in a primarily Linux using comunity, so i as a few questions;
<br><br>What is the meaning of LUG, is it just a group of people that use Linux, or is it more then that is it a comunity of likeminded people that appriciate the quilitys of linux in Linux and other operating systems?
<br> <br>Is the bigest quility of Linux the fact that it is OpenSource in a lot of cases and the OpenSource sofware developing comunity that makes it what it is?<br><br>On that note i'll stop and see what you have to say.
<br><br>*free, free in this context is neither meaning completly free or free to use but meaning both.<br><br>Kind regards<br>Gareth<br>