Have read also but I am still waiting for the next one in the series!<br>
<-----Original Message-----> <br>
>From: Angelo Servini [angelo@servini.co.uk]<br>
>Sent: 7/9/2008 11:39:46 PM<br>
>To: sussex@mailman.lug.org.uk<br>
>Subject: Re: [Sussex] Cyber gov.<br>
>Hi Folks<br>
>I thought I would say hello<br>
>I thought I would plug a few novels I've read. Their called 'The <br>
>Traveller', and 'The Dark River' both by John Twelve Hawks. Brill. I've <br>
>just finished them. I thought it may be relevant as the books discuss the <br>
>covert infiltration of the Internet and our very lives by the faceless <br>
>beurocrats who want to rule our lives with the total loss of privacy that <br>
>See: www.johntwelvehawks.com for more info.<br>
>Very interesting.<br>
>All the best<br>
>Angelo Servini <br>
>__ <br>
>Sussex mailing list<br>
>E-mail Address: sussex@mailman.lug.org.uk<br>
>Sussex LUG Website: http://www.sussex.lug.org.uk/<br>
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