<html><body>I am a supporter of Creative Commons Licences. If this story proves to<br />
be correct, the Portuguese Socialist Party will push for the<br />
illegalisation of Creative Commons Licences on the grounds that they<br />
"harm culture". More exactly, the illegalisation of any attempt to<br />
voluntarily distribute, or cause to be distributed, material of one's<br />
own creation without recompense.<br /><br />
This is not entirely new, but a debate was held on Monday.<br /><br />
The actual announcement is on the Portuguese Ministry of Culture's<br />
official website at<br /><a href="http://www.portaldaculturagov.pt/imprensa/AgendaMC/Pages/201105021800.aspx">http://www.portaldacultura.gov.pt/imprensa/AgendaMC/Pages/201105021800.aspx</a>,<br />
but I can't read Portuguese. There is a part English report in the<br />
following blog entry dated May 2nd:<br /><a href="http://mindboosternoori.blogspot.com/2011/05/portugals-biggest-political-party-wants.html">http://mindboosternoori.blogspot.com/2011/05/portugals-biggest-political-party-wants.html</a><br /><br />I have sent this in to the Register in the hopes they will cover it.<br /><br /><br />
                Best Regards,<br />Fay<br />East Grinstead Linux User Group<br />www.eglug.org.uk<br /><br /><br /></body></html>