<html><body>Hi,<br /><br />Thanks to Steve for the Linux photography talk yesterday and for regaling us with his tips and anecdotes from his safari/photography trip.<br /><br />The beanbag tip is the most immediately useful for me. For those who weren’t able to be there, a bean bag placed over any surface, lip or rail will help you keep the camera perfectly still :-)<br /><br />Steve's favourite storage app is F-spot, as listed in the Attendance List email, and the command he gave is (first always digitally label all your external devices):<br /><br />f-spot -b /media/PhotoLib/F-Spot<br /><br />where PhotoLib is the label. That way we can have equal benefits from the F-Spot database on any computer to which we attach the device.<br /><br />We also got to handle some of the kit. Possibly the nearest I will ever get ;-]<br /><br />Thanks again for a good evening.<br /><br /><br />
                Best Regards,<br />Fay<br />East Grinstead Linux User Group<br />www.eglug.org.uk<br /><br /></body></html>