I have two phone lines at home and would be very interested if someone could give a demo on a last thursday of how I can link them to one phone.<br>
<-----Original Message-----> <br>
>From: Steve Dobson [steve@dobbo.org]<br>
>Sent: 2/3/2012 6:01:58 PM<br>
>To: sussex@mailman.lug.org.uk<br>
>Subject: Re: [Sussex] sip<br>
>Hi John<br>
>On 03/02/12 17:37, johnsemailaccount@gmail.com wrote:<br>
>> I have no idea why anyone might want would want full PBX facilities<br>
>> at home, unless you happen to be running a medium sized PLC from<br>
>> there.<br>
>1: It allows you to phone family in other rooms.<br>
>2: It provides a per person answer phone,<br>
>3: It can e-mail voice mail - great when you're out<br>
>Just off the top of my head.<br>
>-- <br>
>Steve "Dobbo" Dobson<br>
>Sussex mailing list<br>
>E-mail Address: sussex@mailman.lug.org.uk<br>
>Sussex LUG Website: http://www.sussex.lug.org.uk/<br>
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