[SWLUG] Re: Discuss digest, Vol 1 #237 - 5 msgs

Rhys Sage rhys_sage at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 17 20:06:11 UTC 2003

So, having ascertained that SME Linux is a great big steaming pile of poo, I'm thinking of replacing it - but what with? I saw a book in Waterstones entitled Red Hat by Sams. It wasn't Sams usual style - this book actually looked informative. The bonus was that it had two CDs with RH8.  Has anybody seen the book and what do they think of it? It seemed to me to be a pretty decent manual on how to install and configure as well as answering many other questions.  Would it be worth buying? Does anybody know of any magazines out there with RH on the cover? Rhys 

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