[SWLUG] Network setup for Fedora Core 5

Dave Cridland dave at cridland.net
Thu Sep 28 09:15:21 UTC 2006

On Thu Sep 28 10:00:57 2006, Mark Summerfield wrote:
> I just tried scp:
> : scp app/Pim/pim.txt mark at percival:/home/mark
> ssh: percival: Name or service not known
> lost connection
> My desktop's hostname is pye my laptop's hostname is percival. I'm 
> user
> mark on both. I don't want a permanent link since the laptop will 
> often
> be away from the desktop.

This command was done on pye, I assume.

If the laptop hasn't got a registered hostname, nor a stable IP 
address, you'll probably run into problems.

If percival has a stable IP address, you could use that:

scp foo

Otherwise, use the laptop to talk to the desktop:

scp pye:foo .

Note that SSH, and therefore scp, assumes that you mean "mark" by 
default, and uses paths relative to the home directory.

Dave Cridland - mailto:dave at cridland.net - xmpp:dwd at jabber.org
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Infotrope Polymer - ACAP, IMAP, ESMTP, and Lemonade

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