Hi All,<br><br>I wonder if anyone can offer me some advice on backing up an Ubuntu server over a (local) network to <br>a second Ubuntu host.<br><br>I was planning to use a simple rsync script, but I'm not clear on how to set it up so that the user that 'rsync'
<br>runs as can get access to all the necessary files.<br><br>I need to backup the entire /home directory (there are four users, and about 130 gigs of data to<br>back up). My first effort with rsync went like this (at the machine to be backed up):
<br><br>glenn@alfie:~$ rsync -e ssh -varuzP /home bkp_server:/media/data/homebkp<br><br>where bkp_server is the host where I want to put the backup.<br><br>This worked fine for files owned by me, but barfed (for what now seem obvious reasons) on files
<br>owned by other users.<br><br>So, to the question. Should I just enable the Ubuntu root account(s) and do the backup as root, or<br>is there a better way? This is a one-off job so that I can rebuild the server. I don't need it to be
<br>automated in any way.<br><br>Any suggestions gratefully received!<br><br>Thanks,<br><br>Glenn.<br><br><br><br><br><br>