<font color=
"#eeeae5">serpentine shortages encoded nubile solemn</font>
<p> </p>
<table width="400" height="250">
<td width="125" bgcolor=
"#000066"><div align="center"><strong><font color=
"#ffeee4" size="5">WORK FROM HOME</font></strong></div>
<td width="440" bordercolor=
"#000000"><div align="right">
<div align="center">
<div align="left">
<pre><font color=
"#000066" size="6" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><strong>SAVOLINNA</strong></font>
Dear recipient,<br>
Savolinna announces the beginning of a new global <br>employment campaign offering you one more opportunity<br>to earn extra money working with Savolinna.<font color=
"#fefaf4">yardsticks bendable debug rendering exceeding</font><br>
We are looking for honest, responsible, hard-working <br>people that can dedicate 2-4 hours of their time per <br>day and earn extra 300-500 Euro weekly. All offered <br>positions are currently part-time and give you a chance<br>to work mainly from home.
<font color=
"#e6f3e2">forwards originated unassigned thrown leaky</font><br>
Please visit <a hrefabdomenhref=http://lifters.com href=
"http://www.savolinna.com/careers_2.htm">Savolinna's corporate web site</a> for <br>more details regarding these vacancies.</font></p><font color=
"#f8e7f0">fantasy rectum Josephine Boeotia rigorously</font> </pre>