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<p><em>"Mr. Burge, you're going to die.</p>
<p>Probably before you leave this building."</em></p>
<p>That's what the nurse told me when she took my blood pressure.</p>
<p>I was too terrified to speak. My wife was weeping.</p>
<p>I thought about my son Ken. He had recently turned his own blood<br>
pressure around and lost a lot of weight.</p>
<p>Whatever he was doing was working.</p>
<p>So I picked up the phone, hands shaking, and gave him a call.</p>
<p>Ken told me to drop whatever I was doing, drive to the nearest<br>
grocery store, and buy this one weird ingredient:</p>
<p><strong><a href="http://www.ruralising.com/l/lt34SHMOL4504TDVUT176SV/387DOYH1414DUKQSB3916TYB10TXUVDB74103107R1297182347" target="_blank">1 food that kills high blood pressure</a></strong></p>
<p>You will not believe what happened next (click on the link above<br>
to learn the rest).</p>
<p>God bless,</p>
<p>Dennis Burge<br>
Pastor, Calvary Chapel Church<br>
Monet, Missouri</p>
<p><strong>Breaking Health Stories:</strong></p>
<p><a href="http://www.ruralising.com/l/lt34MQGAK4504LVGIQ176EN/387FDUI1414AHAUJT3916TMP10UHMALG74103107N1297182347" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.ruralising.com/im/C4504MPMB176M/387U1414LFYYL3916FW10THEVD74103107PSY1297182347/img017638743.jpg" /></a> <a href="http://www.ruralising.com/l/lt34DITMW4504WADMC176SC/387PVQM1414HWOIIV3916FED10MDGCVI74103107H1297182347" target="_blank">Drug companies HATE this anti-heart-disease superfood</a></p>
<p><a href="http://www.ruralising.com/l/lt34GEWGB4504WLNCG176QT/387CJGL1414GWWQSE3916XWQ10BFVYNF74103107H1297182347" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.ruralising.com/im/S4504ENVE176C/387K1414GIDAN3916OI10BVGXM74103107YDM1297182347/img117638743.jpg" /></a> <a href="http://www.ruralising.com/l/lt34XTNER4504MTXUO176CK/387LGMX1414OXDOLR3916AOP10GNFHSR74103107I1297182347" target="_blank">#1 WORST food for weight gain</a></p>
<p><a href="http://www.ruralising.com/l/lt34OGOHU4504IFPAJ176DL/387SRLH1414POYDIY3916SYH10IEOBVY74103107P1297182347" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.ruralising.com/im/C4504NYXY176G/387P1414YQUMJ3916NX10SFORJ74103107WQE1297182347/img217638743.jpg" /></a> <a href="http://www.ruralising.com/l/lt34VXOCP4504PYOHD176DH/387BENT1414DGQPRE3916PLM10EFXDWE74103107C1297182347" target="_blank">66-year-old pastor lowers deadly BP with this 1 grocery store item</a></p>
<div align="center"><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="1"><br><a href="http://www.ruralising.com/l/lc8WSEOK4504DERHJ176BK/387NRGS1414XXKSEA3916GSG10LQLIUN74103107I1297182347"><font color="#666666">Update Preferences</font></a><br><br> Primal Health, L.P. | 321 N Central Expressway Suite 341 | McKinney, TX 75070 </font></td></td></tr></table>
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<center>This email was intended for swlugevents@mailman.lug.org.uk
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<a href="http://www.ruralising.com/unsPSW4504AXD176UH/387OXS1414EPY3916WQY10HJGJP74103107Y1297182347" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="http://www.ruralising.com/im/P4504DQCO176N/387R1414WEKTE3916LA10BSOAL74103107TPN1297182347/img317638743.jpg"></a>
<p style="font-size:xx-small;">The Samsung Galaxy peeks out of a pair of pants.FoxNews.com / Jeremy
A. KaplanThe battle to maintain some semblance of privacy in our online
lives is a classic one-step-forward, two-steps-back situation. Just when
you start to feel you have a grasp of things, we get
hit with new revelations about government spying.The latest? How U.S. and
British intelligent agencies are working to take advantage of the extraordinary
information that online social-media sites are collecting on us.So that's
the latest two steps back. The latest one step forward deserves more
notice.Both Apple and Android have recently introduced new ways for advertisers
to deliver targeted ads to us. This sounds like bad news, but
the good part is that, given widespread consumer outrage on the issues,
both companies have shown some spine and designed the new protocols both
to keep the data anonymized and to make it easier for us
to opt out from tracking.Let's be honest. In the realities of the
world we live in, we have to accept not just advertising but
creative advertising. Most of the Internet is free; the price we pay
for it is ads of one sort or another. But changing technology
and the advantage companies have over us when it comes to
understanding the implications of technology has created a situation that
is both excessive and harmful.And, further, we should note that the ad-tracking
data the companies collect should be anonymous. They just know a certain
en, chalky seabed,
but like trees trap soil on an exposed hillside, eelgrass plants trap
the mud," Holmer and Borum explained. "And therefore there will be a
high concentration of sulfide-rich mud among the eelgrass plants."Though
it might resemble a type of seaweed, eelgrass is actually a flowering
plant. And when it grows, it expands outward in all directions, creating
circle-shaped colonies. While healthy adult eelgrass plants seem to be able
to withstand the sulfide in their environment, the old plants at the
heart of the colonies drop dead, the researchers said."The result is an
exceptional circular shape, where only the rim of the circle survives like
fairy rings in a lawn," Holmer and Borum added.Fairy rings in a
lawn are typically blamed on the outward growth of fungi, but other
fairy circles on land have long puzzled scientists. A famous example can
be found in the desert grasslands of Namibia in southern Africa, where
researchers have offered up a wide range of explanations for the vast
field of circular patches, from ants and termites to gas seeps and
resource competition.The explanation for the eelgrass fair rings is detailed
in this month's edition of the journal Marine Biology.Copyright 2014 LiveScience,
a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be
published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.