[Wiltshire] Library presentation was Meeting tomorrow

John Larkworthy john_larkworthy at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Mar 10 13:40:26 UTC 2009


While I know we are the Wiltshire Linux Users Group I think most people will be concerned that they are loosing the software that came with their PC if we only concern ourselves with GNU/Linux.

I would like to offer a smaller introduction to FLOSS by suggesting that they try other software and can experience the high quality that bigger projects achieve. I have to admit there are some dire niche projects but lets stick with best of breed if we can. 

Windows users are usually frightened that they will loose access to their games collection and I can offer no real alternative other than dual boot or virtualisation both are enough to scare off the novice.

I agree a set of how to notes about moving completely to Linux - when the games run too slow and you can only get Vista compatible games (Direct X 11 anyone).

I was thinking of keeping an ISO image on my laptop and burning CD's as needed but an external burner sounds good. I had no intention of landing myself with a large number of CD shaped coasters holding software I can't use.




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