[Wolves] GPL Terms

Dan wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Fri Oct 25 16:52:01 2002

Aquarius wrote:
> Dan spoo'd forth:
>>I have a question:  How do Lindows do it?
>>Do they just ignore the GPL or what?
> http://www.lindowsos.info/print.php?sid=16

Ah I see.  I haven't looked at LindowsOS for some time.

(I didn't even know they'd kicked the NDA)

So they just *ignored* the GPL, and when the Open Source community 
started getting uppity they realised that, because their product is ~99% 
Open Source anyway(with a Debian core and CNR being little more than a 
point'n'click skin for apt) they'd better start treating the license 
with respect.

Cheers Aq.
