[Wolves] How to get my modem to work!!

fizzy wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Thu Oct 31 12:12:01 2002

to change the boot menu, you need to edit a file on
your machine called /etc/lilo.conf

there will be many different image sections listed, #
out any ones that you don't want and then run
/sbin/lilo in a terminal window - it will * the
default operating system and list the others you have
setup.  Make sure that list is ok before re-booting! I
belive the top listing is the default, so cut and
paste win 2k to there.  The delay is in miliseconds -
don't set it too low!  If you get stuck, mail me or
the list your lilo.conf file and i/we will edit it for

Will leave it to someone else to sort out your modem,
hope thats vaguely helpful...

 --- Simon Howes <howesey@blargoc.co.uk> wrote: > Ok,
ok.  I'm new to linux ok!  :P
> Last night I decided to download Mandrake 9.0 and
> install it.  It's all
> working but I want to get my Alcatel SpeedTouch
> modem to work.  I have
> installed it within mandrake installation, but it
> wont connect.  Oh, and how
> do I configure the boot loader at the beginning.  I
> want it so if you leave
> it for more then 10 seconds say, it loads up Win2k,
> I also need to clean it
> up too, there are too many listed.
> -----
> Simon
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