[Wolves] RE: Pipex

Jayne Heger wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Fri Sep 13 14:30:00 2002

> How long have you had the second phone line, surely if it was installed
> recently it will be of sufficient quality?

Its been DACs onto the same phoneline. If the phoneline had of been of 
sufficient quality they would have removed the DACs box. I could have ADSL on 
that line but without the phone, but obviously we need A phone in the house. 
The line is 50/60 years old and would need to be replaced.
If any of you have any other ideas of how I could go onto ADSL then please let 
me know.
I did think that if there are spare BT lines in our exchange I could have one 
of them, get rid of the DACs box but then I'd still be paying for the 2nd 
separate line as well as £23.44 for ADSL


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