[Wolves] PHP image management

Matthew Revell wolveslug at understated.co.uk
Tue Dec 23 15:57:08 GMT 2003

Hello chaps,

I'm trying to set up some form of mySQL/PHP image management for my site.
I've had a look at an O'Reilly tutorial
http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/2002/05/09/webdb2.html which has a
script for uploading images to a database, then displaying them from
within a web page.

However, I just can't get the bugger to work on my server. The only way I
can get an image into the database is through PHPMyAdmin. Then, when I run
the view.php script, I get a opening and closing HTML and body tags.

I'm not asking for direct assistance with this script but I'm really just
wondering if anyone knows of PHP or mySQL config probs that could stop the
image from being output properly. The exact same scripts work fine on the
example set up given in the tutorial.



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