[Wolves] LinuxUser & Developer Expo 2003 at the NEC

Si Griffiths wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Fri Feb 7 13:41:01 2003

07/02/2003 13:24:08, "s parkes" <stephenparkes1972@hotmail.com> wrote:

>Just contact the publisher of linuxuser (maggie meer) and ask for a .org 

will do

>a2rt.org -> get a .org stand -> print some flyers and plan your installation 
>(I can help on the day - hopefully)

that'd be wicked & much appreciated

>Debian have arranged one and linuxuser have offered to do some printing for 
>them so I would take it the offer is open to all underfunded .org ideas and 
>a2rt is definatly underfunded.

sounds good

>SB lug are looking into arranging a stand of their own so perhaps we could 
>arrange that we join them and make it a LUG.org.uk stand and grab the 
>funkier clientelle off them ;-)

the sparkes plan for west midlands lug domination moves up a gear ;)
